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Looks like this burglar is about to get a little more than he bargained for.ĭelivering Fucks: Jerome (Ivo Kerk) is behind the wheel and Jerry is handing off the packages, but it's each other's packages that these delivery guys are interested in. He's quickly overpowered and dragged back to their place, where they promptly fill his mouth with their hard cocks as punishment.

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Lean James shoves his uncut cock right down the hunk's throat, and face fucks him until he's ready to hole punch his tight ass showing him just how he fucks a bottom bitch.ĭouble Stuffed: When a couple is nearly mugged in the alley, the burglar is in for a surprise. Pounded Raw: Handsome, horny James Huck just got a new fuck toy, athletic Rudy Valentino, delivered directly to his bed, and he cant wait to tear that ass up. Jeffrey then proceeds to spread his ass wide open to receive Daren's hung, thick cock. He just can't get enough, and goes all out, back and forth, smothering his face in each pit, until his cock is rock hard enough to pit fuck dark-haired Daren. Pit Bitch: Tattooed hunk Jeffrey Lloyd loves sniffing and licking muscular Daren D's (Gerasim Spartak) pit. Rudy Valentino, Peter Uman, Hugo Brtnik, Gerasim Spartak, Javi Garcia, Martin Dajnar, James Huck, Jeffrey Lloyd, Ivo Kerk

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