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Young Dro, 'Grand Hustle Mafia' (Grand Hustle Presents: In da Streetz Volume 4 2006) 34. Cee Lo Green, 'Soul Food' (Goodie Mob's Soul Food, 1995) 36. Rick Ross, 'I Love My Bitches' (God Forgives, I Don't 2012) 37. Das Racist, 'Rainbow in the Dark' (Shut Up, Dude 2010) 38. Edan, 'Beautiful Food' (Sprain Your Tapedeck, 2001) 39. Ludacris, 'Southern Hospitality' (Back for the First Time, 2000) 40. Childish Gambino, 'That Power' (Camp, 2011) 41. LL Cool J, 'Milky Cereal' (Mama Said Knock You Out, 1990) 42. The Notorious B.I.G., 'Hypnotize' (Life After Death, 1997) 43. Young Jeezy, 'Put On' (The Recession, 2008) 45. Kanye West, 'Niggas in Paris' (Watch the Throne, 2011) 46. 50 Cent, '21 Questions' (Get Rich or Die Tryin', 2003) 47. Big Daddy Kane, 'Platinum Plus' (Big L's The Big Picture, 2000) 48. Ghostface Killah, 'Apollo Kids' (Supreme Clientele, 2000) 49.

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